Andrew Left Net Worth

Andrew Left is an American investor and short-seller. He is the founder of Citron Research, a financial research firm that specializes in short-selling. Left has been a vocal critic of several companies, including Herbalife, Tesla, and Nikola Corporation. As of 2023, Andrew Left's net worth is estimated to be around $100 million.

Left's success as a short-seller has earned him both praise and criticism. Some investors have praised Left for his ability to identify overvalued companies and profit from their decline. Others have criticized Left for his aggressive tactics, which they say can damage the reputations of companies and their shareholders.

Despite the controversy, Left remains one of the most successful short-sellers in the world. His track record of identifying overvalued companies has made him a wealthy man and a respected figure in the financial world.

Andrew Left Net Worth

Andrew Left is an American investor and short-seller. He is the founder of Citron Research, a financial research firm that specializes in short-selling. Left has been a vocal critic of several companies, including Herbalife, Tesla, and Nikola Corporation. As of 2023, Andrew Left's net worth is estimated to be around $100 million.

  • Short-seller: Left is known for his aggressive short-selling tactics, which have earned him both praise and criticism.
  • Citron Research: Left founded Citron Research in 2001. The firm specializes in short-selling and has a track record of identifying overvalued companies.
  • Herbalife: Left has been a vocal critic of Herbalife, a multi-level marketing company that he has accused of being a pyramid scheme.
  • Tesla: Left has also been critical of Tesla, an electric car company that he has accused of being overvalued.
  • Nikola Corporation: Left has been critical of Nikola Corporation, a hydrogen fuel cell company that he has accused of fraud.
  • Controversial: Left's tactics have been controversial, with some investors praising him for his ability to identify overvalued companies and others criticizing him for damaging the reputations of companies and their shareholders.
  • Wealthy: Despite the controversy, Left remains one of the most successful short-sellers in the world. His track record of identifying overvalued companies has made him a wealthy man.
  • Respected: Left is a respected figure in the financial world, despite his controversial tactics. His ability to identify overvalued companies has made him a sought-after speaker and commentator.
  • Influential: Left's research and commentary have been influential in the financial world. His short-selling campaigns have led to several companies being investigated by regulators.
  • Polarizing: Left is a polarizing figure in the financial world. His aggressive tactics have earned him both praise and criticism.

Andrew Left is a successful short-seller who has made a name for himself by identifying overvalued companies. His tactics have been controversial, but there is no doubt that he is one of the most influential figures in the financial world.

NameAndrew Left
OccupationInvestor, short-seller
Net worth$100 million (estimated)
Date of birth1970
Place of birthNew York City, New York


Andrew Left's success as a short-seller is directly tied to his aggressive short-selling tactics. By identifying overvalued companies and betting against them, Left has been able to generate substantial profits. This has led to his net worth of $100 million.

Left's short-selling tactics have been praised by some investors for their ability to expose overvalued companies and protect investors from losses. However, Left's tactics have also been criticized by others for being overly aggressive and for damaging the reputations of companies and their shareholders.

Despite the controversy, there is no doubt that Left's short-selling tactics have been a major factor in his financial success. His ability to identify overvalued companies has allowed him to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million.

Here are some specific examples of how Left's short-selling tactics have contributed to his net worth:

  • In 2012, Left shorted Herbalife, a multi-level marketing company that he accused of being a pyramid scheme. Left's research and commentary on Herbalife led to a decline in the company's stock price, which resulted in substantial profits for Left.
  • In 2018, Left shorted Tesla, an electric car company that he accused of being overvalued. Left's research and commentary on Tesla led to a decline in the company's stock price, which resulted in substantial profits for Left.
  • In 2020, Left shorted Nikola Corporation, a hydrogen fuel cell company that he accused of fraud. Left's research and commentary on Nikola Corporation led to a decline in the company's stock price, which resulted in substantial profits for Left.
These are just a few examples of how Left's short-selling tactics have contributed to his net worth. By identifying overvalued companies and betting against them, Left has been able to generate substantial profits.

Citron Research

Citron Research has played a major role in Andrew Left's net worth. The firm's specialization in short-selling and ability to identify overvalued companies has allowed Left to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million.

  • Short-selling expertise: Citron Research's expertise in short-selling has been a key factor in Left's success. The firm's ability to identify overvalued companies and bet against them has allowed Left to generate substantial profits.
  • Track record: Citron Research has a long track record of identifying overvalued companies. This has given investors confidence in Left's ability to generate profits from short-selling.
  • Reputation: Citron Research has a reputation for being a respected financial research firm. This has helped Left to attract investors and build his net worth.
  • Influence: Citron Research's research and commentary have been influential in the financial world. This has helped Left to raise his profile and attract investors.

Overall, the connection between Citron Research and Andrew Left's net worth is clear. The firm's specialization in short-selling and ability to identify overvalued companies has allowed Left to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million.


Andrew Left's vocal criticism of Herbalife has had a significant impact on his net worth. Left's research and commentary on Herbalife have led to a decline in the company's stock price, which has resulted in substantial profits for Left.

  • Short-selling profits: Left's short-selling of Herbalife has been a major contributor to his net worth. By betting against Herbalife's stock, Left has been able to profit from the decline in the company's share price.
  • Reputation: Left's reputation as a successful short-seller has been enhanced by his criticism of Herbalife. This has led to increased demand for Left's research and commentary, which has resulted in increased revenue for Citron Research.
  • Influence: Left's criticism of Herbalife has had a significant impact on the financial world. His research and commentary have been influential in shaping investors' perceptions of Herbalife, which has led to a decline in the company's stock price.

Overall, Andrew Left's vocal criticism of Herbalife has had a positive impact on his net worth. By short-selling Herbalife's stock, enhancing his reputation, and increasing his influence in the financial world, Left has been able to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million.


Andrew Left's criticism of Tesla has had a significant impact on his net worth. Left's research and commentary on Tesla have led to a decline in the company's stock price, which has resulted in substantial profits for Left.

Left's short-selling of Tesla has been a major contributor to his net worth. By betting against Tesla's stock, Left has been able to profit from the decline in the company's share price.

In addition to his short-selling profits, Left's criticism of Tesla has also enhanced his reputation as a successful short-seller. This has led to increased demand for Left's research and commentary, which has resulted in increased revenue for Citron Research.

Overall, Andrew Left's criticism of Tesla has had a positive impact on his net worth. By short-selling Tesla's stock, enhancing his reputation, and increasing his influence in the financial world, Left has been able to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million.

Nikola Corporation

Andrew Left's criticism of Nikola Corporation has had a significant impact on his net worth. Left's research and commentary on Nikola Corporation have led to a decline in the company's stock price, which has resulted in substantial profits for Left.

  • Short-selling profits: Left's short-selling of Nikola Corporation has been a major contributor to his net worth. By betting against Nikola Corporation's stock, Left has been able to profit from the decline in the company's share price.
  • Reputation: Left's reputation as a successful short-seller has been enhanced by his criticism of Nikola Corporation. This has led to increased demand for Left's research and commentary, which has resulted in increased revenue for Citron Research.
  • Influence: Left's criticism of Nikola Corporation has had a significant impact on the financial world. His research and commentary have been influential in shaping investors' perceptions of Nikola Corporation, which has led to a decline in the company's stock price.

Overall, Andrew Left's criticism of Nikola Corporation has had a positive impact on his net worth. By short-selling Nikola Corporation's stock, enhancing his reputation, and increasing his influence in the financial world, Left has been able to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million.


Andrew Left's controversial tactics have had a significant impact on his net worth. On the one hand, his ability to identify overvalued companies and bet against them has allowed him to generate substantial profits, which has contributed to his net worth of $100 million. On the other hand, his tactics have also damaged the reputations of companies and their shareholders, which has led to criticism and lawsuits.

  • Short-selling profits: Left's short-selling tactics have been a major contributor to his net worth. By betting against overvalued companies, Left has been able to profit from the decline in their stock prices.
  • Reputation: Left's reputation as a successful short-seller has been enhanced by his ability to identify overvalued companies. This has led to increased demand for Left's research and commentary, which has resulted in increased revenue for Citron Research.
  • Criticism: Left's tactics have also been criticized for damaging the reputations of companies and their shareholders. Left has been accused of spreading false and misleading information about companies in order to drive down their stock prices.
  • Lawsuits: Left has been involved in several lawsuits related to his short-selling tactics. In 2019, Left settled a lawsuit with Tesla for $40 million. The lawsuit alleged that Left had made false and misleading statements about Tesla in order to drive down its stock price.

Overall, Andrew Left's controversial tactics have had a significant impact on his net worth. While his ability to identify overvalued companies has allowed him to generate substantial profits, his tactics have also damaged the reputations of companies and their shareholders. This has led to criticism and lawsuits, which have had a negative impact on Left's reputation.


Andrew Left's success as a short-seller has contributed significantly to his net worth of $100 million. His ability to identify overvalued companies has allowed him to generate substantial profits by betting against their stock. Left's track record in this area has made him a respected figure in the financial world, attracting investors and clients to his firm, Citron Research.

  • Short-selling Expertise: Left's expertise in short-selling has been instrumental in his success. His ability to analyze companies and identify those that are overvalued has enabled him to make profitable trades, contributing to his overall wealth.
  • Reputation: Left's reputation as a successful short-seller has further enhanced his wealth. His ability to consistently identify overvalued companies has attracted investors and clients who trust his judgment and seek his research and insights, resulting in increased revenue for Citron Research.
  • Influence: Left's influence in the financial world has also contributed to his wealth. His research and commentary on companies have the potential to move markets and affect stock prices, which can lead to profitable opportunities for Left and his clients.
  • Litigation: While Left's short-selling practices have been controversial, they have not significantly impacted his net worth. Despite lawsuits and criticism, Left has maintained his successful track record, preserving his wealth and reputation.

In summary, Andrew Left's status as a wealthy individual is directly tied to his success as a short-seller. His expertise, reputation, influence, and ability to navigate litigation have all contributed to his net worth of $100 million.


Andrew Left's respected status in the financial world, despite his controversial tactics, has contributed to his net worth of $100 million in several ways:

  • Credibility and Trust: Left's reputation as a respected figure lends credibility to his research and insights. Investors and clients trust his judgment and analysis, leading to increased demand for his services and research at Citron Research, ultimately contributing to his net worth.
  • Speaking Engagements and Commentary: Left's status as a sought-after speaker and commentator provides him with additional sources of income. His expertise and insights are in high demand at conferences, seminars, and in the media, generating revenue that adds to his net worth.
  • Influence and Network: Left's respected position in the financial world grants him access to influential individuals and networks. These connections can lead to lucrative opportunities, partnerships, and investments, further enhancing his net worth.
  • Litigation Mitigation: While Left's controversial tactics have led to lawsuits, his respected status has potentially mitigated the financial impact of these legal challenges. His reputation and credibility may have influenced settlements or reduced the likelihood of severe penalties, preserving his net worth.

In summary, Andrew Left's respected status in the financial world, despite his controversial tactics, has positively impacted his net worth through enhanced credibility, additional income streams, access to opportunities, and potential mitigation of legal liabilities.


Andrew Left's influential status in the financial world is directly connected to his net worth of $100 million in several ways:

  • Credibility and Trust: Left's reputation as an influential figure lends credibility to his research and insights. Investors and clients trust his judgment and analysis, leading to increased demand for his services and research at Citron Research, ultimately contributing to his net worth.
  • Media Attention and Exposure: Left's influential status grants him significant media attention and exposure. His research and commentary are frequently featured in financial news outlets, which helps to raise his profile and attract new clients and investors to Citron Research, further boosting his net worth.
  • Impact on Company Valuations: Left's influential research and commentary can have a significant impact on company valuations. His short-selling campaigns have led to investigations by regulators, which can damage a company's reputation and lead to a decline in its stock price. This can result in substantial profits for Left and his clients, contributing to his net worth.
  • Influence on Market Sentiment: Left's influential status allows him to shape market sentiment and influence the behavior of other investors. His research and commentary can spark buying or selling waves, which can create opportunities for Left and his clients to profit from market movements, further increasing his net worth.

In summary, Andrew Left's influential status in the financial world, driven by his credible research, media exposure, impact on company valuations, and ability to influence market sentiment, has significantly contributed to his net worth of $100 million.


Andrew Left's polarizing status in the financial world directly connects to his net worth of $100 million through various aspects:

  • Reputation and Credibility: Left's polarizing nature both enhances and detracts from his reputation and credibility. While his supporters laud his aggressive tactics and ability to identify overvalued companies, critics question his methods and accuse him of manipulating markets. This duality influences the trust and confidence investors have in his research and insights, impacting the demand for his services and ultimately his net worth.
  • Media Attention and Scrutiny: Left's polarizing status attracts significant media attention and scrutiny. His research, commentary, and short-selling campaigns are widely reported and analyzed, giving him a platform to influence market sentiment and company valuations. However, this attention also exposes him to criticism, lawsuits, and potential regulatory investigations, which can impact his reputation and net worth.
  • Regulatory Impact: Left's aggressive tactics and influence have drawn the attention of regulators. His short-selling campaigns have led to investigations and enforcement actions against several companies. While these actions can damage the reputations of the targeted companies and potentially lead to financial penalties, they can also enhance Left's credibility and reputation as a market watchdog, further contributing to his net worth.
  • Investor Sentiment and Market Volatility: Left's polarizing status can influence investor sentiment and create market volatility. His research and commentary often spark buying or selling waves, which can create opportunities for Left and his clients to profit from market movements. However, the unpredictable nature of market reactions to his actions can also lead to losses and impact his net worth.

In summary, Andrew Left's polarizing status in the financial world, characterized by his aggressive tactics and reputation, significantly influences his net worth through its impact on credibility, media attention, regulatory scrutiny, investor sentiment, and market volatility.

FAQs on Andrew Left Net Worth

Andrew Left is a renowned investor and short-seller with a significant net worth. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about his wealth and career:

Question 1: How did Andrew Left amass his wealth?

Answer: Andrew Left's wealth primarily stems from his success as a short-seller. Through his firm, Citron Research, he identifies overvalued companies and bets against their stocks. This strategy has generated substantial profits for Left over the years.

Question 2: What is Andrew Left's net worth?

Answer: As of 2023, Andrew Left's net worth is estimated to be around $100 million.

Question 3: Is Andrew Left a controversial figure?

Answer: Yes, Andrew Left is a somewhat controversial figure in the financial world. His aggressive short-selling tactics have drawn both praise and criticism. Some investors admire his ability to expose overvalued companies, while others question his methods.

Question 4: What is Citron Research?

Answer: Citron Research is a financial research firm founded by Andrew Left in 2001. The firm specializes in short-selling and has a reputation for identifying overvalued companies.

Question 5: What are some notable companies that Andrew Left has targeted?

Answer: Andrew Left has been critical of several companies, including Herbalife, Tesla, and Nikola Corporation. His research and commentary on these companies have often led to declines in their stock prices.

Question 6: What is Andrew Left's reputation in the financial world?

Answer: Andrew Left is a respected figure in the financial world, despite his controversial tactics. His ability to identify overvalued companies has earned him a reputation as a successful short-seller.

Summary: Andrew Left's wealth is primarily attributed to his success as a short-seller through his firm, Citron Research. Despite some controversy surrounding his tactics, he remains a respected figure in the financial world.

Transition to the next article section: Andrew Left's impact on the financial world extends beyond his personal wealth. His research and commentary have influenced market sentiment and company valuations, shaping the investment landscape in various ways.

Tips on Understanding "Andrew Left Net Worth"

Andrew Left's net worth and investment strategies have garnered significant attention in the financial world. To gain a better understanding of his wealth and approach, consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Recognize the Importance of Short-Selling: Left's success largely stems from his expertise in short-selling, a strategy that involves betting against overvalued companies. Understanding the mechanics and risks associated with short-selling is crucial.

Tip 2: Analyze Company Valuations: Left's ability to identify overvalued companies is a key factor in his success. Study his techniques for analyzing financial statements, market trends, and competitive landscapes to assess company valuations.

Tip 3: Evaluate Controversial Tactics: Left's aggressive tactics have drawn both praise and criticism. Consider the potential benefits and risks of his approach, such as the impact on company reputations and market volatility.

Tip 4: Understand Citron Research: Left's firm, Citron Research, plays a vital role in his investment strategy. Research the firm's history, methodology, and track record to gain insights into Left's investment philosophy.

Tip 5: Follow Market News and Commentary: Stay informed about Left's research, commentary, and short-selling campaigns. Monitor financial news and industry publications to track his latest insights and their impact on the market.

Tip 6: Exercise Due Diligence: Before making any investment decisions based on Left's research, conduct thorough due diligence. Verify his claims, consider alternative perspectives, and assess the risks involved.

Tip 7: Consider the Regulatory Environment: Left's tactics have attracted regulatory scrutiny. Stay updated on any legal challenges or investigations that may impact his credibility and investment strategies.

Summary: Understanding Andrew Left's net worth requires a comprehensive analysis of his short-selling expertise, company valuation techniques, and controversial tactics. By following these tips, investors can gain valuable insights into his investment approach and make informed decisions.

To further explore Andrew Left's impact on the financial world and investment strategies, continue reading the article.


Andrew Left's net worth is a testament to his success as a short-seller and his ability to identify overvalued companies. His aggressive tactics have drawn both praise and criticism, but there is no doubt that he is one of the most influential figures in the financial world.

Left's research and commentary have had a significant impact on market sentiment and company valuations. His short-selling campaigns have led to several companies being investigated by regulators. This has made him a target of lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny, but it has also enhanced his reputation as a market watchdog.

Whether you agree with his tactics or not, there is no denying that Andrew Left is a force to be reckoned with in the financial world. His ability to identify overvalued companies and profit from their decline has made him a wealthy man. His research and commentary have also influenced the market and led to several companies being investigated by regulators.

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