It seems like the Browns just can't stop getting attention on social media. Stepping in for her brother, Gabe Brown, isn't the end of Rain Brown's scandals pertaining to Instagram. In 2017, she got slammed by fans for posting selfies. For a bit of context here, Rain's mother, Ami Brown, had been diagnosed with "stage 3B lung cancer" that year, according to Inquisitr. The diagnosis forced many members of the Brown family to head to California while Ami underwent treatment at the UCLA Medical Center.

During this period, Rain posted several selfies, one of which looked like it was taken at a medical facility. Rain had obviously gotten some flack from people because her caption read as a bit defensive: "[Y]ou gotta love yourself, kids, no matter who [tries] to push you down, you wouldn't believe the people I have had trying to make me mad and a bad person but I just throw love [their] way."

The issue, as In Touch notes, was that some folks felt that the selfies were too self-indulgent, considering what her mother was going through. However, several other fans jumped in to defend Rain, with one person saying: "Don't let the haters tear you down!!" Another person added, "I think there is nothing wrong with Rain [making] selfies. My Lord people, the young girl is going through enough!!" This seemed to be the winning attitude and it makes sense. Inquisitr notes that she was only 14 at the time, so she seemed to deserve a little slack.
